A daily newspaper is a publication that contains a variety of articles about events and people from around the world. It includes national news, local news, politics, sports and gossip. It also includes a comic section, classified ads and an opinion section. It is usually printed in broadsheet format and is often referred to as a tabloid. The most famous daily newspaper is the New York Times.
It was founded in 1919 and is one of the most widely circulated newspapers in the United States. It is currently owned by tronc and is based in New York City. The paper is known for its intense city news coverage, celebrity gossip and the latest in entertainment and sports. It is also known for its bold graphics and extensive use of photographs. The paper was one of the first to use a wire service for news photos, and it developed a staff of photographers.
Unlike the mercantile and political papers of earlier years that focused on specific elite groups, the penny papers that began to appear in the 1820s and 30s were cheaper than their rivals and sought a mass audience of middle and working class readers. Many were published for particular religious denominations, professions, or political causes like abolition and temperance.
In the 1920s, the Daily News found abundant subject matter, from political wrongdoing to social intrigue (like Wallis Simpson’s romance with King Edward VIII that led to his abdication). It was a self-proclaimed Republican newspaper, but by the mid-1960s, it had shifted toward moderate-to-liberal bias and was often contrasted with its right-wing competitor, the New York Post.
The News’s front page was dominated by headlines of major news stories, while the interior featured large photographs and detailed reporting. The paper was an early user of the Associated Press wire photo service and had a staff of journalists who made frequent visits to war zones. The News was also a pioneer in the use of sound recordings. Its 1928 story about the electrocution of Ruth Snyder, the first woman to be executed in the state of New York, was a sensation and prompted reforms to the electric chair. The newspaper’s subsequent headquarters at 450 West 33rd Street straddled the railroad tracks heading into Pennsylvania Station and was designed by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood. It is now known as Manhattan West.
A brilliantly written, tremendously insightful book that examines the death of a small-town newspaper in southwestern Pennsylvania and offers hope for its resurrection. The book will be of interest to historians, journalists and ordinary citizens alike who care about the state of their country’s free media. Every Daily News Article includes comprehension and critical thinking questions, found below the article. In addition, “Background” and “Resources” are provided below the questions to help students better understand the news story. Subscribers receive a daily email with answers to the questions. Sign up for a free trial today! Copyright