New Laws New
At midnight to start 2024, several major changes went into effect statewide. From worker rights and school resources to drug testing supplies, here’s a look at the many new laws that took effect in New York this year.
A law is an official rule that governs behavior within a society or country. A new law comes about when legislation is proposed, debated and voted on by Congress or another legislative body. If passed, the law is then known as a statute or act.
How a bill becomes a law
A bill to create a new law is first introduced in either the House or Senate by a member of Congress. Then, it is assigned to a committee that will research and make changes to the bill before putting it back up for vote. If the bill passes one chamber of Congress, it will go through a similar process in the other chamber before being signed into law by the President.
When the Committee reports a bill to the House, a full explanation of the bill’s purpose and scope is written by the committee staff and sent to the entire House for consideration. Generally, the committee report also lists any existing laws that are being repealed and sets forth the text of the proposed law section by section. The Committee Report is a valuable resource for judges, executive departments and the public. A committee report is the most important part of a law’s legislative history. A committee report is also referred to as the “Ramseyer” or “Cordon” report.